Foreign Direct Investment of the USA, Germany, and Japan, Annual Stockdata, by Countries of Destination and Sectors
- FDI Germany Share in All Countries (xlsx)
- FDI Germany Share in All Industries (pdf)
- FDI Germany Share in All Industries (xlsx)
- FDI USA Share in All Countries (pdf)
- FDI USA Share in All Countries (xlsx)
- FDI USA Share in All Industries (pdf)
- FDI USA Share in All Industries (xlsx)
- FDI Japan Share in All Countries (pdf)
- FDI Japan Share in All Countries (xlsx)
The databank reports on annual stocks of foreign direct investment (FDI) of the US, Japan , and Germany since the nineteen eighties. In each of the three reporting countries’ databanks raw data as well as shares of host countries in FDI disaggregated by a number of manufacturing and service sectors, and shares of these sectors in total FDI in individual host countries are displayed.
For the US, the data source is the Survey of Current Business for the US Direct Investment Position Abroad on a Historical Cost Basis published by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.
For Germany, the source is the “Bestandserhebung über Direktinvestitionen” of the Bundesbank, Sonderveröffentlichung 10, published in spring (May) each year, disaggregated by economic sectors in which the investment is launched.
For Japan, the source is the annual survey of approved outward Japanese FDI by sectors, published by the Ministry of Japan. As the level of sectoral disaggregation diminished over time, the annual update of the data was suspended in 2004.
Stocks of Foreign Direct Investment of Germany by Host Countries and Sectors in percent of total (last update 17.06.2024)
- FDI GER Share in All Countries (in pdf and xlsx)
- FDI GER Share in All Industries (in pdf and xlsx)
Stocks of Foreign Direct Investment of USA by Host Countries and Sectors in percent of total (last update 08.07.2024)
- FDI USA Share in All Countries (in pdf and xlsx)
- FDI USA Share in All Industries (in pdf and xlsx)
Stocks of Foreign Direct Investment of Japan by Host Countries in percent of total (last update 18.10.2022)
- FDI Japan Share in All Countries (in pdf and xlsx)