Highlights 2022

Publication Date

How a War in Europe Disrupts the Global Economy

Entering the Age of Geoeconomics

Our 2022 Highlights look back on an exceptional year for the global economy - yet again. After the COVID-19 pandemic and massive global supply shortages in previous years, 2022 felt like exceptional years were becoming the rule. A war in Europe with far-reaching consequences for the entire world not only shocked us in 2022, but also presented the Institute with new challenges in global economic research and policy advice. The interplay between geopolitical and economic issues has become more relevant than it has been in a long time - especially from a German perspective. This amalgam is becoming increasingly important in our field under the buzzword "geoeconomics". With the Ukraine Support Tracker, the new research initiative "Geopolitics and Economics" or our reports on Russian trade, the consequences of sanctions and food security, the Institute has accompanied the "Zeitenwende" with economic expertise and data analysis and will continue to do so in the future.

Our highlights also include selected contributions from our research and advisory work, our discourse with the public, and our training program.
