Kiel Institute Data Hub
Regularly updated datasets by the Kiel Institute
Research data
Africa Debt Database
- Working Paper and Africa Debt Database, Data on over 7500 loans and bonds to African sovereigns 2000-2020.
This data should be cited as coming from Mihalyi, D. &. Trebesch, C. (2023). "Who Lends to Africa and How: Introducting the Africa Debt Database" Kiel Working Paper 2117,
China debt stock dataset
- March 2021 update of China debt stock dataset, estimates by country and year, 2000-2017 (direct loans). The 04/2020 version can be found here.
- Loan-level dataset and full replication material
- Journal Article "China´s overseas lending"
This data should be cited as coming from “Horn, S., Reinhart, C. M., Trebesch C. (2021). China's Overseas Lending. Journal of International Economics: 133 103539;
Foreign Exchange Interventions
- Database - Foreign Exchange Intervention, Data of monthly foreign exchange interventions for 49 countries over up to 22 years.
This data should be cited as coming from“Fratzscher, M., Heidland, T., Menkhoff, L. et al. Foreign Exchange Intervention: A New Database. IMF Econ Rev 71, 852–884 (2023).”.
Trade & Investment related datasets
- AFiD-Panel Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS-Panel) [restricted access] - Microdata from foreign trade statistics for Germany
- FDI of USA, Germany & Japan – Annual Stockdata, by countries of destination and sectors
- World Trade by Commodity Classes and Regions in percent of total
- World Trade by Commodity Classes and Regions in percent of total – Historical Data (break 2018)
- World Trade by Commodity Classes and Regions in percent of total – Historical Data (break 2008)
Social Accounting Matrices
- Mexico Social Accounting Matrix, 2008
- Bolivia Social Accounting Matrix, 2012
- Yemen Social Accounting Matrix, 2012
Additional data
- German Management and Organizational Practices (GMOP) Survey 2008 & 2013 [restricted access] - establishment data set on management practices and firm success