Journal Article

Allais for the Poor: Relations to Ability, Information Processing and Risk Attitudes


  • Herrmann
  • T.
  • Hübler
  • O.
  • Schmidt
  • U.
  • Menkhoff
  • L.
Publication Date

This paper complements evidence on the Allais paradox from advanced countries and educated people by a novel investigation in a poor rural area. The share of Allais-type behavior is indeed high and related to characteristics of “lacking ability”, such as poor education, unemployment, and little financial sophistication. Based on prospective reference theory, we extend these characteristics by biased processing of probabilistic information. Finally, we reveal that Allais-type behavior is linked to risk-related characteristics, such as risk tolerance and optimism. This indicates a potential problem as exactly the more dynamic among the poor tend to make inconsistent decisions under uncertainty.

Kiel Institute Experts


JEL Classification
D81, O10

Key Words

  • Allais paradox
  • Field experiments
  • first order stochastic dominance
  • optimism
  • prospective reference theory
  • risk attitude
  • socio-demographic characteristics