Research Seminar
The effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions during the Covid-19 pandemic — Alexander Sandkamp
Alexander Sandkamp (Kiel Institute, Kiel University)
Throughout the year 2020, countries have employed a variety of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) in order to curtail the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the success of individual measures in reducing the number of infections remains controversial. This paper exploits a panel data set of 107 countries to estimate the effects of 14 NPIs on the spread of the disease. While almost all measures had a dampening effect on the reproduction rate of the virus, public information campaigns and school closings were most effective, followed by testing policies, contact tracing and international travel restrictions. Among others, public event cancellation and income support were less effective during the second wave of the pandemic, while workplace closing and the obligation to wear masks worked better. Several NPIs had a stronger impact on infections in autocratic countries.
Anthonin Levelu (Université Paris Dauphine) – Alexander Sandkamp (Kiel Institute, Kiel University)
Virtual via Zoom
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