Prof. Dr. Tobias Heidland


Topics: Globalization, Migration, Emerging Markets & Developing Countries, Africa


Main research interests

  • Economic Development (esp. in Africa)
  • Foreign exchange and foreign exchange interventions
  • Digital trace data and "big data" in economics and social sciences
  • Migration and its effects
  • e.g. on skills shortages
  • Migration and asylum policy
  • and attitudes toward these

Tobias Heidland (né Stöhr) is a Professor of Economics at Kiel University and heads the Research Center "International Development" at the Kiel Institute. He studied economics and development economics at the universities of Mannheim and Nottingham and holds a doctorate in Quantitative Economics from Kiel University. After that, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at DIW Berlin and as a Senior Researcher at the Kiel Institute.

His research focuses on international aspects of economic development with a particular focus on migration and capital flows in developing countries, especially in Africa.

In his research on the movement of people, his main interests are migration decisions, the role of migration policy and attitudes toward migration. Currently, he is the Scientific Coordinator of the Horizon Europe project DYNAMIG and co-coordinates The Senegal Migration Panel. Beyond migration, he conducts research on micro- and macroeconomic development in African countries as part of the projects "Economic Cluster Africa Research", "Megatrends Africa", and "China in Africa". His research on capital flows focuses on foreign exchange interventions used by central banks to affect the exchange rate.