Dr. Lena Detlefsen
Topics: Equal Opportunities, Migration, Behavioral Economics, Welfare State, Africa
Main research interests
- Behavioral Economics
- Migration
- Experimental Economics
Lena Detlefsen is a postdoctoral researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. Her research focuses on three areas: experimental economics, behavioral economics, and migration economics. In her research she employs tools and methodologies of behavioral and experimental economics to better understand decision-making and the underlying factors that influence individuals' choices and behaviors (e.g. gender, family context) and individual policy preferences.
Before joining the Institute in April 2017, she studied Economics in Kiel and Lille and was a research assistant at the Chair for Public Economics, Social Policy and Health Economics at Kiel. She received her doctoral degree in Economics in October 2018 at Kiel University.
Lena Detlefsen is part of the DYNAMIG project, Senegal Migration Panel project, the MEDAM project (Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration) and the ITFLOWS project.