Policy Article

Potential for sustainability for German cities (in German)


  • Dovern
  • J.
  • Rickels
  • W.
  • Quaas
  • M.
Publication Date

Achieving sustainable development and thereby sustaining the wealth of future generations is one central element of responsible policy. In their study, the Kiel researchers Jonas Dovern, Wilfried Rickels and Martin F. Quaas present a comprehensive sustainable wealth analysis for German cities based not only on the city’s physical capital endowment but also on the endowment of environmental, energy, human, and social capital endowment. We use 49 indicators to measure those capital endowments for the 100 largest German cities. Furthermore, we use 7 indicators to measure the engagement and transparency level of the 50 largest cities among the 100. Combining the information on the various capital endowments and the transparency and engagement level provides the “WirtschaftsWoche Sustainable City Indicator” which ranks the cities regarding their performance in sustainable wealth. Moreover, the study suggests measures to increase specific capital endowments in the cities to foster sustainable development.

Kiel Institute Experts


Key Words

  • climate policy
  • regional policy
  • Sustainability
  • urban development
  • welfare

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