Felix Meier and Saskia Meuchelböck Invited to Lindau
As two of 427 "Young Economists" from 69 countries, Felix Meier and Saskia Meuchelböck have been selected to participate in the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences, to which 19 recipients of the so-called Nobel Prize in Economics have already confirmed their participation. The prestigious meeting is scheduled for August 2022 in Lindau on Lake Constance. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, only digital substitute events have been held in the past two years. Therefore, the young scientists already selected in 2020 are also expected in Lindau this summer, including Sonali Chowdhry and Jan Krause from the Kiel Institute.
Felix Meier joined the Global Commons and Climate Policy Research Center, led by Wilfried Rickels, in December 2019. He studied economics in Augsburg and Kiel and completed his doctorate in the field of climate and resource economics at Kiel University. His primary research interests are the recent shale gas boom in the U.S., and the economic potential of climate engineering technologies in regional integrated assessment models. He is part of the DFG project "Net Social Benefits of Carbon Dioxide Removal: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks and Strategic Advantages (CDRecon)".
Saskia Meuchelböck (née Mösle) started working at the Kiel Institute in 2018. She is responsible for the German foreign trade forecast in the Research Center Business Cycle and Growth, headed by Stefan Kooths, and also works in the Research Center International Trade and Investment, led by Holger Görg. Her research interests are in the field of international empirical economics with a focus on international trade, direct investment, and global supply chains. She is currently analyzing the effects of trade policy dislocations on firms' activity and performance. She is a doctoral candidate in Quantitative Economics at Kiel University and a fellow at the Kiel Centre for Globalization. Before joining the institute, she worked at the European Central Bank and interned with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok. Saskia holds Master's degrees from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and the University of Bayreuth, Germany.
About the Lindau-Meeting
Since 1951 around 30-40 Nobel Laureates convene once a year in Lindau to meet the next generation of leading scientists. The meetings focus alternately on the three natural science Nobel Prize disciplines. An interdisciplinary meeting revolving around all three natural sciences is held every five years. In addition, the Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences is held every three years. The now invited 427 Young Economists from all over the world have successfully completed a multi-stage selection process.