Policy Article

Economic and Ethical Challenges of “Land Grabs” in Sub-Saharan Africa


  • Kleemann
  • L.
  • Lay
  • J.
  • Nolte
  • K.
  • Thiele
  • R.
  • Ott
  • K.
  • Voget-Kleschin
  • L.
Publication Date

Extensive land acquisitions in Sub-Saharan Africa by international investors constitute one of today’s most hotly debated development issues. Drawing on own ethical and economic research and using evidence from in-depth case studies in Kenya, Mali and Zambia, the authors argue that the land acquisitions currently imply many risks and few benefits for the local population. They offer policy recommendations for host governments, investors and the international community which could help achieve a more favourable balance of risks and benefits in land investment projects.

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