Global China Conversations #14
Compliance in China under the Social Credit System and Growing Regulation: What are the Challenges Companies face?
The rapidly growing number and increasing complexity of PRC laws, together with the Chinese government's anti-corruption campaigns and rising compliance awareness in Europe, pushed the topic of compliance to the top of the to-do list of German and European companies with subsidiaries in China. This fourteenth edition of the Global China Conversations will focus on the development and current state of compliance in China, including the corporate social credit system and the continuing restrictions on entry due to China's Zero-COVID policy. As experienced compliance and China experts, the speakers will discuss how SMEs should deal with the issue of compliance in China and which instruments and measures can be used to master the regulatory challenges. The possibilities of digitalisation will also play an important role.
The event consists of different impulse lectures followed by a discussion.
The Global China Conversation #14 will be held in German.
The impulse lectures refer to the following publications:
Burkardt, Rainer (2021). ,,Social Credit System – Blacklists at the Centre“. In ChinaContact 25(4). S.31-32 (in German)
Buss, Simona (2021). ,,Social Credit System – Consequential Entries“. In ChinaContact 25(4). S.21 (in German)
Börner, Juliane and Mantz, Martin (2021). "Digitalization needs legal certainty". In QZ 66(1). S.43-45. (in German)
Martin Mantz Compliance Solutions on the practical use case in China using the example of emz Hanauer (in German)

Rainer Burkardt
Mr Burkardt is the founder and managing director of the Chinese law firm Burkardt & Partner in Shanghai. He has been living in China for more than 25 years and is, therefore, one of the few foreign lawyers with more than two decades of professional and consulting experience on the ground in China. Since 2009, Mr Burkardt has been the attorney of confidence of the Austrian General Council in Shanghai. From 2008 to 2010, he was a member of the German Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and Chairman of the Legal Working Group of the European Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. In early 2013, Mr Burkardt was appointed arbitrator of the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. His focus is on providing legal advice mainly to medium-sized companies but also to corporate groups and international industrial corporations from Austria, Germany and Switzerland on their investments and business in China.

Dominik Nowak
Dominik Nowak oversees international projects in the context of digital compliance organisation at Martin Mantz Compliance Solutions. As Managing Director of Martin Mantz Compliance Solutions in the People's Republic of China and contact person for worldwide partners, he experiences an increasing complexity, especially concerning country-specific requirements and organisational compliance issues. Dominik Nowak has professional experience as a managing director, project leader, manager, advisor and consultant (industries include service, consulting, electrical engineering, wind power, software, mechanical engineering, and trade) in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa, which have shaped his view of entrepreneurial and cultural challenges to this day. He completed his university degrees in Germany (M.A.) and New Zealand (MBA), focusing on sustainable business development.

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Baetge
Dietmar Baetge is a Professor of International Commercial Law and Private Business Law at the Technical University of Wildau. He was a lecturer at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and a partner in a German-Greek law firm. His research focuses on the interaction between competition and international trade policy.