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Kiel Institute mourns Douglas Tompkins

IfW’s President Prof. Dennis J. Snower said: “I am deeply shocked by the news that Douglas Tompkins has passed away. He was a passionate environmentalist who proved in an exemplary manner how humans can coexist harmoniously with their environment. He has been an inspiration to us all – a visionary spirit who lived his values and beliefs, a seer who alerted us to the irretrievable destruction of nature. His commitment was and is in our collective interest. I will miss him dearly. My thoughts are with his wife, Kristine.”

Douglas Tompkins and his wife Kristine received the Global Economy Prize 2015 which is awarded by the Kiel Institute in cooperation with its partners, the City of Kiel and the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Commerce.

Read and watch the message that Douglas Tompkins left on the occasion of his visit to Kiel:
Video: acceptance speech GEP 2015
Text: acceptance speech GEP 2015
Interview: Douglas and Kristine Tompkins