Kiel Institute Launches New Initiative on Geopolitics and Economics
The international order is undergoing fundamental changes. Geopolitical tensions have increased, with the Russia-Ukraine war and the escalating China-US competition being just the most visible signs. These developments raise questions on the interlinkages of economics and politics that are not well understood.
How do geopolitical risks affect the global economy, in particular international trade and finance? How does the international balance of power interrelate with economic trends? And how are economic tools used to achieve geopolitical goals?
“We see major knowledge gaps in these fields and too few academics working in it. We want to help change that. The Kiel Initiative in Geopolitics and Economics will foster the production and dissemination of knowledge on these questions. We will build a global network of researchers and policymakers working at the intersection of economics and geopolitics,” says Christoph Trebesch, co-founder of the initiative. Among its key activities, the initiative will host conferences, workshops, and online talks. “The aim is to provide a common platform to productively interact—regardless of background and methods used. We are interested in both empirical and theoretical projects and ideas, and we will cover a variety of fields related to geopolitics, including macroeconomics, international trade, finance, political economy, economic history, and international relations,” says Katrin Kamin, who will act with Christoph Trebesch as co-director of the initiative.
To launch the initiative, the Institute hosted an opening conference with renowned international scholars in the field, policymakers, and other leading thinkers, co-organized with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).
Check out the initiative’s webpage to learn more about the topics covered.