Journal Article

How China Plans to Cope with Internal and External Economic Challenges


  • Bickenbach
  • F.
  • Liu
  • W.-H.
Publication Date

The mounting economic and technological conflict with the U.S. is hitting China’s economy at a difficult time. Harsh retaliation by China against U.S. economic sanctions would further exacerbate its internal economic problems. During the 2023 National People's Congress the Chinese leadership has made it clear that it is currently giving priority to addressing the internal economic problems. At the same time, it is also stepping up efforts to enhance the security of China’s industrial and supply chains and its self-reliance in science and technology. This reduces China's vulnerability in the conflict with the U.S. and strengthens its capacity for future countermeasures.


(The article will be available only in German in “Wirtschaftsdienst”.)

Kiel Institute Experts


JEL Classification
F23, F52, L50

Key Words

  • China
  • economic policy
  • geopolitics
  • investment
  • multinationals
  • trade