Call for Papers – Kiel Institute Workshop on:
The role of public research and innovation measures on mitigating climate change
Technological development and innovations play a decisive role on the path to climate neutrality. In the short run, the dissemination of already developed and market-ready technologies is crucial for global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. In the long run, however, much of the GHG emission reduction will be driven by technologies that are in the early stages of development and not yet ready for the market. Against this background, governments globally finance Research and Innovation (R&I) measures to support the development and to accelerate the market take-off of green technologies. These measures complement climate policies to support technology diffusion and the take-off of green technologies.
The workshop brings together economists and researchers of related disciplines to present and discuss ongoing research. The workshop is part of the kick-off of a project financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Its overall objective is to analyze the role of public R&I support in GHG emission reduction. The insights from the project and workshop will help policy makers to develop policies that support the economic green transformation (more details available here).
The program includes keynotes of outstanding researchers who have extensively worked on the intersections between research policy and climate policy:
- Antoine Dechezleprêtre, OECD, France
- Carolyn Fischer, World Bank, USA and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Giovanni Marin, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy
The workshop will be held in person at the Kiel Institute. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to participate remotely. For the presenters, there will be no costs for participation and the catering during the workshop. However, participants will be responsible for their own costs of travel, accommodation, and all other expenses incidental to travel abroad incurred in the home country (e.g., domestic travel, passports, visas, required medical examinations, etc.). Should you have any questions, please contact: