Robin Fleet
Topics: Natural Resources, Sustainable Development
Main research interests
- Marine and Coastal Resource Economy
- Fisheries Economics
- Ocean Sustainability
Robin Fleet has been working within the interdisciplinary DFG Research Training Group "Translational Evolutionary Research" (TransEvo) in the tandem project "Evolutionary Fishery Economics and Management" since the beginning of 2023. Here he analyses the effects of institutional regulations on marine resources with the help of ecological-economic models. Robin Fleet has also been a PhD student and research associate at the Center for Ocean and Society since 2021. Here he works in the GenClim project, investigating the effects of climate change on fish diversity in the Eastern Atlantic and the associated socio-economic consequences. Previously, he completed a Master's degree in "Environmental and Resource Economics" at Kiel University and the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen in 2021. Robin Fleet completed his B.Sc. in "Political Economy" with a focus on energy policy at Heidelberg University.