Linda Maokomatanda
Topics: Migration, China, Africa
Main research interests
- Geopolitical Competition in Africa
- Development Economics
- Chinese Migration in Africa
- African Debt Crisis
Linda Maokomatanda works as a doctoral student on the project China in Africa in the International Development Research Center since April 2021. She is also concurrently completing her doctoral degree in Quantitative Economics at the University of Kiel. Linda has previously completed her Master’s in Economics at the University of Bonn. Before joining the Kiel Institute, she also worked as a student research assistant for the Institute of Labour Economics (IZA), German Institute of Development and Sustainablility (IDOS) and the Institute on Behaviour & Inequality (briq), all of which are based in Bonn, Germany. At the Kiel Institute, her research focuses on how China’s growing influence affects African states, encompassing also the geopolitical competition that may arise from such influence in terms aid, trade and investment. Other topics of interest include quantifying Chinese Migration flows to Africa as well as Africa’s looming debt.