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Kiel Institute and DIE support G20
The Federal Government has jointly entrusted the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) and the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Bonn, with the support of Germany's G20 presidency next year. The two institutes are tasked with chairing and organising the so-called T20 process, during which international think tanks will address current themes of the G20, as well as developing and presenting recommendations for political decision-makers.
During a meeting of about 35 research institutions and think tanks from the group of industrial and emerging countries in Beijing, IfW President Professor Dennis J. Snower and DIE Director Professor Dirk Messner today took over the chair from their Chinese colleagues. Dennis Snower commented: "We will form a network of national and international think tanks which will be charged with developing well-founded, concrete recommendations for the G20 topics. Our objective is to ensure that this network will support and advise the G20 in the long term, both during the German presidency next year and beyond." DIE Director Dirk Messner added: "We aim to use the T20 process to discuss dialogue-oriented policy options, and make the T20's international professional expertise available to the G20 decision-makers."
The T20 group is the G20 nations' coalition of research institutions and think tanks. In the coming weeks, the participating institutes will determine the key issues to be addressed during the T20 process in consultation with the Federal Government. Several work groups will subsequently be formed around these key issues, which will develop a knowledge base and concrete recommendations. These will be included in the G20's discussions. Currently, initial topics emerging are as follows: strategies for dealing with migration and refugees, effective climate and energy policy, increasing financial resilience, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change as well as the global challenges of the digital age.
In addition to the recommendations, the T20 will support the G20 via workshops, conferences, public contributions, the development of an internet platform and in the context of informal meetings. Moreover, the IfW will dedicate its established Global Economic Symposium (GES) to the T20 process, developing and discussing proposed solutions for G20 topics and subsequently circulating these. The DIE will bring into the T20 process its Managing Global Governance network. Within this, researchers from the global North and South collaborate in order to shed new light on current global issues and explore innovative approaches towards finding solutions at national, regional and international level.