Policy Article

Migration Policy Scoreboard: A Monitoring Mechanism for EU Asylum and Migration Policy


  • Barslund
  • M.
  • Di Salvo
  • M.
Publication Date


Managing migration across the EU’s external border requires a comprehensive policy response. For policies to be effective, member states need to work together and share responsibility in several policy areas, including asylum and return, refugee resettlement, border management, policies on legal migration and support for non-EU countries hosting refugees.To ensure that member states share these responsibilities equitably, the contributions from member states must be compared taking into account their capacities in the different areas of asylum and migration-related policies. To do so, data collection needs to be harmonised, unified and up-to-date. In addition, effective assessment and monitoring of member states’ contributions to the EU’s asylum and migration policy requires an institutionalised monitoring system at the EU level. We therefore recommend that the European Commission include a monitoring mechanism in the ‘New Pact on Migration and Asylum’.This monitoring mechanism could be modelled on the European Pillar of Social Rights, which presents current conditions as well as developments in the area of social rights to achieve better working and living conditions across Europe.



Key Words

  • Migration Management
  • European Asylum and Migration Policy
  • Monitoring