Journal Article

Heterogenous Skills, Growth and Convergence


  • Dohse
  • D.
  • Ott
  • I.
Publication Date

This paper analyzes the impact of different individual skills and their economy-wide distribution among heterogenous entrepreneurs on a country's catching up-process to the world technology frontier (WTF). Highly skilled entrepreneurs qualify as either technological specialists or as broadly skilled systemic entrepreneurs. Governmental policy may address individual skills or the aggregate composition of skills in society and may be interpreted as education policy. The effectiveness of alternative growth-promoting policies is shown to depend on the relationship between a country's state of development and the prevailing composition of entrepreneurs. Countries far from the WTF benefit from increasing the share of technological specialists, whereas countries close to the WTF benefit from increasing the share of broadly skilled systemic entrepreneurs.

Kiel Institute Experts


JEL Classification
L21, O30, O40

Key Words

  • Catching up
  • education policy
  • Heterogenous skills
  • Schumpeterian growth
  • Systemic capacity