Open Access Policy of the Kiel Institute


The Kiel Institute sees itself as the research institute for globalization issues in Germany. Our scientists provide first-class research services and offer economic policy advice and analyses.

The research results of the Kiel Institute are published in relevant journals and made accessible to the interested public through our own publication series, media and events in order to promote understanding of globalization processes.

As a member of the Leibniz Association, the Kiel Institute is committed to the principle of Open Access and supports the demand for unrestricted and free access to quality-checked results of publicly funded research. It thus follows the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities and the Guideline Open Access in the Leibniz Association.



The Kiel Institute encourages its scientists to publish their research results according to the Open Access principle. Freely accessible publications increase the visibility of research results and contribute to faster verifiability in the sense of a transparent scientific system. In addition to its commitment to the scientific community, the Kiel Institute also sees the Open Access principle as an opportunity to make its own research achievements and the associated knowledge accessible to society.



The Kiel Institute creates the necessary organizational, structural and financial conditions to promote Open Access at the Institute. The scientists, in particular the management of the research centers,

  • are continuously informed about developments in the field of Open Access and about the various options for Open Access publishing,
  • are advised on the selection of journals and the choice of a publication path (green path or golden path),
  • receive clarification about legal issues related to the Open Access publication of their research results, and
  • are supported in applying for funding for publication in Open Access journals.

The first point of contact is the Open Access officer, who may involve other people from the legal department or the service unit Research Grants. 


Further measures taken by the Kiel Institute to support Open Access publications are:

  • The Institute systematically records which publications by its staff are published Open Access and how the proportion of Open Access publications is developing over time, with the aim of increasing this proportion.
  • Publications by the Institute’s staff that can be published Open Access are made available free of charge via EconStor, a subject-specific reference system of the ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics. From EconStor, the publications are delivered to LeibnizOpen, the central Open Access portal of the Leibniz Association, where they present the research results of the Kiel Institute scientists.
  • The Institute promotes the connection of its publications to the Open Access project RePEc (Research Papers in Economics).
  • Since 2020, the Institute is participating in the DEAL transformation contracts and bears the associated costs.
  • Beyond the DEAL contracts, the Institute provides funding for Open Access publications within central and decentralized budgets.

Open Access Representative