Joint Economic Forecast
Start of Project: 01.10.2016 — End of Project: 31.03.2020
Embedded in a comprehensive outlook for the world economy, the Joint Economic Forecast („Gemeinschaftsdiagnose“, GD) prepares in-debth analyses and forecasts for the German economy (detailed 2-year horizon and 5-year medium term projections including potential output estimations). These forecasts are input for the projections of the Federal Government in Germany. The forecasting exercise is carried out jointly by a group of economic research institutes. Based on the diagnostic results and taking into account important issues in the public debate on economic issues the institutes also come up with policy recommendations.
Kiel Institute Experts
Further Project members
- Dr. Martin Ademmer
- Salomon Fiedler
- Philipp Hauber
- Galina Potjagailo
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Reitz