About the Kiel Institute

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy sees itself as the research institute in Germany for globalization issues. Our researchers investigate the drivers and effects of international economic activity, the integration and disintegration of global markets as well as the opportunities and limits of political action in open economies. The Institute analyzes the world economy not just as the sum of individual national economies, but rather as a global economic area that must be understood and shaped. We have tasked ourselves with identifying emerging global economic challenges and developing practical solutions that are compatible with open markets and competition while also taking account of everyone’s standard of living.
The Kiel Institute concentrates on applied and evidence-based economic research that explores new methodologies and is guided by internationally recognized standards of excellence. It applies an interdisciplinary, policy-oriented approach, which combines theoretical and empirical techniques. The solid institutional knowledge of our researchers and their active participation in international networks ensures the relevance of our research findings.

Policy guidance
With the knowledge gained through research, our experts provide impartial, open-ended advice to German, European, and international policy makers as well as institutions, trade bodies, and businesses. Dialogue with leading figures at the international, national, and regional level is aimed at incorporating socially relevant issues into our work and providing these actors with a sound informational basis for economic decision-making.
We believe that engaging with the wider public is a key strategic responsibility for both the Institute and its research staff. They contribute to public debate by providing science-based data via the media and at events. Through engaging in dialogue, they seek to foster a better understanding of globalization processes.

As a member of the Leibniz Association, we consider our primary contributions to society to lie in sharing our knowledge of topics with global impact and in educating and training scientists.
They provide the basis for disseminating the Institute’s mission and taking it forward into the future.

The Kiel Institute is an independent foundation under public law of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. Its basic funding is provided by the German Federal Government and the state of Schleswig-Holstein.

The Kiel Institute was founded in 1914 as „Königliches Institut für Seeverkehr und Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel“ by Bernhard Harms. It looks back on a rich and eventful history, in which its scientific work has always been oriented towards both the political currents and the global economic challenges of the respective era.

With the globally well-known and redesigned Advanced Studies Program (ASP) we support the education and training of young economists.

Working at the Kiel Institute
Find out about new job offers, about our committment for equal opportunity and diversity as well as about our general support for all employees.

Support us
The Kiel Institute receives support from its Society for the Advancement of the Kiel Institute, an independent and non-profit association that includes individuals, companies and federations.
Globally Connected
As an institute focusing on global economic affairs, the Kiel Institute strives to be nationally and internationally visible, connected, and to collaborate with a large number of universities and non-university research centers, think tanks and service institutions.