Ramsey Monetary Policy With Financial Distortions and the Fisherian Theory of Debt Deflation
I derive welfare maximizing policy for an economy characterized by three distortions: monopolistic
competition, sticky prices and borrowing constraint on capital in the form of a premium
on external finance. Under a zero inflation policy - i.e. which closes the gap - neither the
monopolistic competition distortion - which act as a tax on labor - nor the external finance
premium - which act as a tax on capital - can be offset. Both the product mark-up and the external
finance premium act as countercyclical wedges that allow the policy maker to improve the
flexible price allocation. Optimal monetary policy features a long run inflationary bias which
even more pronounced under non-indexed loan contracts. In the latter case indeed inflation
reduces the outstanding value of nominal debt and the services associated with it. Along the
dynamic optimal policy is characterized by deviations from price stability - e.g. both under
productivity and demand shocks - with an optimal inflation volatility which increases together
with the increase in the external finance premium.