
Vera Acheampong
Department of Economics, University of Ghana
Vera Acheampong is currently a PhD Candidate in the Department of Economics, pursuing a degree in Development Economics. She had both her First degree (2006-2010) and MPhil (2011-2013) from the Department of Economics, University of Ghana. Vera is also a lecturer of Economics at the Ghana Communication Technology University in Ghana. Her research interests are Environmental economics, international trade, gender and poverty issues.
Vera joined the Ghana Team of the SEZ Research project as a Research Assistant. As part of the team, She is required among other responsibilities to help with Literature Review, Data collection and analysis, report writing, etc.

Charles Godfred Ackah
Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana
Charles Godfred Ackah is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana, Legon. He is a development economist with research interests in the effects of trade policy and globalization on poverty and inequality, private sector development, entrepreneurship and labour market issues, gender and enterprise development.

Aradhna Aggarwal
Copenhagen Business School
Aradhna Aggarwal is Professor in Indian Business Studies at Copenhagen Business School. Her research contributes to the literature on international trade and busines-related issues, technology and innovations, special economic zones, and structural economics. She has had a long association with the University of Delhi and premier policy think tanks in India. She is also an international consultant on SEZs, and has published monographs, book chapters and articles in journals and newspapers.

Holger Görg
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Holger Görg is Professor of International Economics and Head of the Research Centre “International Trade and Investment” at IfW. He is also Director of the Kiel Centre for Globalization. His research interests are in empirical international trade and development focusing in particular on the activities of multinational companies. He has published widely in international journals and has consulted, among others, The World Bank, European Commission, UNIDO, UN Economic Commission for Africa, and various governments.

Cecília Hornok
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Cecília Hornok, Ph.D. in Economics, is a researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and has been a member of the SEZ project since its inception. Cecília has conducted empirical research and published in refereed journals on various topics in the field of international economics, especially related to the economic consequences of globalisation in both developed and developing countries.

Ari Kokko
Copenhagen Business School
Ari Kokko is a professor of International Business at CBS since 2010. His research and teaching cover three broad themes: the impact of FDI on developing and emerging host countries, the internationalization of SMEs (with focus on trade), and the global consequences of East Asian economic development and internationalization. Before joining CBS, Kokko spent 25 years at the Stockholm School of Economics and was professor on International Business at Aho Akademi University in Finland.

Saskia Meuchelböck
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Saskia Meuchelböck is a doctoral researcher at the Kiel Institute of the World Economy. She has worked on SEZs in Africa and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on SEZs around the globe. Her research interests are in empirical international trade and international macroeconomics. Saskia holds Master's degrees from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Spain) and the University of Bayreuth (Germany).

Alina Mulyukova
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Alina Mulyukova is a Doctoral researcher and member of the project since June 2020. Alina analyzes the impact of SEZs using firm-level data and microeconometric techniques. She holds a Master of Science in Economics from LMU Munich. Previously, Alina worked as a research assistant at the Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies at ifo Institute and at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. Her research interests are innovation economics and its impact on firm performance, applied industrial organization and the economics of migration.

Robert Darko Osei
Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research & School of Graduate Studies, University of Ghana
Robert Darko Osei is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana, Legon, and also the Vice Dean for the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Ghana. Robert’s current areas of research include evaluative poverty and rural research, macro and micro implications of fiscal policies, and other economic development policy concerns. He is currently the Country Coordinator for the African Centre of Excellence in Inequality Research (ACEIR), Ghana Node.

Nana Yaw Agyeman Owusu
Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana
Nana Yaw Owusu is a PhD student in Development Studies and joins the project as a Doctorial Researcher. He previously worked as a Research Assistant at ISSER on MIDA Interventions Project, MasterCard Youth Save Project and the World Bank Land Titling. He later moved to the Banking Sector as a Business Development Manager. His research interests are in the field of empirical international economics and development, with a focus on global value chains, foreign direct investment and welfare.

Le Thi Xuan Quynh
Central Institute for Economic Management, Vietnam
Le Thi Xuan Quynh, MSc., is Deputy Director at the Department of Industrial Management Policy, the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) in Vietnam.

Rajarshi Chowdhury
Jadavpur University
Rajarshi Chowdhury is part of the research team for the global research project on “Special Economic Zones: A force for good to reduce inequality” being funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (a Foundation formed by Central Bank of Sweden). Currently, he is a Ph. D. candidate at the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Earlier in 2016, he completed Master of Science in Economics from Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, with specialization in International Trade and Applied Econometrics. His area of research interest is Trade and Development, Empirical issues relating to International Trade, Globalization and Inequality. At present, he is working on two papers on A Review of SEZ policies across Indian states using textanalysis method and SEZ and wage inequality in Indian manufacturing.

Saikat Sinha Roy
Jadavpur University
Dr. Saikat Sinha Roy is Professor in the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Till recently, he was the Co-ordinator of the UGC Centre for Advanced Studies, Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, as well as the Joint Director, School of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Jadavpur University. He is a Member, Standing Technical Committee of Experts to Review Exim Bank’s Export Leading Index model to Forecast India’s exports, Exim Bank of India, Mumbai, and Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Social Science Division, Indian Statistical Institute and was a Member, Steering Committee for Promotion of Exports for West Bengal, Department of Commerce and Industry, Government of West Bengal, India. He holds an M. Phil. and a Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, done at the Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, India. Dr. Sinha Roy’s areas of academic interests include Open Economy Macroeconomics, Trade and Development, Applied Trade Modelling, Applied International Finance and Issues relating to Emerging Market Economies. Prior to joining Jadavpur University, he was a Fellow (Associate Professor) at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi. He also worked briefly at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), India Resident Mission, New Delhi. Professor Sinha Roy has taught as a guest faculty in various Indian institutions including the Calcutta University, Presidency College, Kolkata, IIT Kharagpur. He was a British Academy of Social Sciences/ESRC/AHRC Visiting Fellow to the Department of Economics, Lancaster University in 2009. He completed a British High Commission, New Delhi, funded policy research project on “State-level Exports, Competitiveness and Trade Promotion Policies: The Indian case study”. Currently, he is part of a global research team working on a multi-country research project titled “Special Economic Zones: A force for good to reduce inequality” being funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (a Foundation formed by Central Bank of Sweden). He has published in various national and international journals, monographs and in edited volumes. He co-edited a book titled International Trade and International Finance: Explorations of Contemporary Issues published by Springer in 2016.

Tran Toan Thang
National Center for Socio-economic Information and Forecast
Dr. Tran Toan Thang is Director of the Department of Industrial Forecast and Enterprise Development at NCIF Vietnam. Before taking his current position in 2017, he had worked for the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) for over twenty years relating to agricultural and rural development.